Friday, July 20, 2012

Short Videos to Watch. Pre-Post Workout Drinks & Brendan Brazier on Vegan Pro-Athletic Eating

One draw back of eating vegan is you have to eat ALOT. Massive amounts of veggies. If you ate them just via spinach salads, you would be the last one to finishing eat.

One buddy of mine tried going vegan for a week. I asked how it was going. He said "Hungry." People are used to eating a certain size bowl. I then showed him Rich Roll, from Finding Ultra and a video of him eating. I said "do you think he is hungry." MASSIVE amounts of Kale, Spinach, celery... sometimes shoved into a blender for easy eating. Does it taste like a snickers or chicken wings, no. Usually the response is "hum, not bad" (as in "not good," but at least not bad).

Here is a Post Workout Vegan recovery drink:

And a Pre-Workout Drink also from Rich Roll.

And a typical walk through a grocery store. Learn to buy food differently.

And lastly a longer lecture from Brandan Brazier, pro athlete and vegan owner of VEGA sport.
16 min: Peanut butter sandwich problems (shortcut here)
20 min: Sleep. (shortcut here)
37:35 Eating RAW nuts, NOT Roasted nuts, and why. (shortcut here)
38:18 Fish. Polluted wild fish vs farm fish. (both bad and why) (shortcut here)
42 min Chemical addiction to Cheese (shortcut here)
42 min DHA and Omega 3 (not found in Flax Seed). Not in Fish, in the algae they eat. (shortcut here)
49:40 B12 and dropping all supplements. (shortcut here)
51:53 Grazing diet. Lost weight, but maintained energy levels. (shortcut here)

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