Monday, February 4, 2013

The Great OIL debate. Olive Oil and Coconut Oil Suck?

Most people were brought up thinking that "Extra Virgin Olive Oil" was super healthy.
And more recently Coconut Oil was able to overcome the "Saturated Fat is bad...". A little marketing allowed them to add "except for Coconut Oil".

Sometimes the proof came from tribes in foreign lands that had high amounts of certain oils and no heart problems. A simple google search will explain the other so called benefits.

Coconut oil was even prescribed by our nutritionist to be eat by the spoonful on a daily basis. Yes, a straight spoonful. That never sat right with me. Even if they claim it helps metabolism etc.

The guys over at Engine2Diet and Bill Clinton himself, are 100% anti ANY oils. Even Fish Oil. Kinda makes sense. Will I cut out oils? Probably not, will I eat a spoonful directly, not anymore. I will try and cook with veggies that have juices already in them (onions, peppers etc) and just use that instead of oil.

Here is a video of Bill Clinton and why he went healthy vegan and oil free.

And here is the "proof" that E2D gives: Marketing Junk Food: Don't Go Cuckoo Over Coconut Oil
Not sure what to believe. Based on his assessment, water would be bad for you.
