The #1 question I get when people hear about us being Vegan is "But what do you eat?". So I wanted to go over our staples.
Just like meat eaters might have a staple like "Chicken" that they eat once or twice a day, our staple 2 things are:
1) RED Quinoa
Without going too much into detail, meat has the advantage of being a "whole protein" whereas most plants are incomplete and must be added with other plants to get all the nutrients you want. However, Quinoa is the lucky few that is a "whole" protein. We make it for the week (in our pressure cooker). We prefer the larger RED color and taste. We put it in the fridge and eat it with our cereal (see Cereal post) or heated up with Coconut oil, or Coconut butter, Turmeric, Garlic, and a touch of salt (or get fancy and add chopped onions or a bunch of other options).
2) Avocado/ Guac
One person told me that Avocado is the world's only complete food. Enough, fat, protein etc and if you could only eat one thing ever in your life, you would get furthest with Avocado. This is our Chicken.
Whether it is slices to go along with the breakfast, with Hemp oil or Flax oil drizzled over it with Garlic, or a full blown open face sandwich with a huge mound of homemade guac on it (add a tad of Curry for a perfect match!). We might eat this even 2x a day depending on what we have around.
3) Vitamix stuff. (get the lowest model for $320) 1-3 times a day. (including preworkout)
Not a meal replacement, but a full on meal. I sometimes don't use recipes. I just shove a bunch of stuff in and take it on the run. The key is not to put TOO much fruit. If you do, all you are doing is getting too much sugar and going backwards. You might start off with more, but then start cutting it back as your taste buds adjust. Try a tad of Stevia too to help increase the Green veggie balance.
Our two staple bases are:
i) Spinach (a ton!) and watermelon. Our boy calls it "Superman Hugo" (Juice in Spanish).
ii ) Kale and Banana. This fruit cuts the Kale bite.
Other optional things added include flax seed oil, ground flax seeds, Hemp seeds, raw nuts, ginger, turmeric, Maca, Spirulina, carrots, and anything you might see in a typical salad. Ony use apples if you plan on drinking it within 30 minutes.
Other not so obvious stuff:
4) Raw Stevia!
(Not Stevia in the Raw, which is counter-intuitive and full of fake fillers)
No, not yet another fat sweetener that causes lab rat disformaties (is that a word, spell check says no). This is a REAL plant (but then people start saying Mushrooms, the drug, are plants, come on). The powder is 300x more powerful than sugar so 95% of the Stevia out there has fillers in it. So avoid those and buy the most expensive bottle and that likely will be small and 100% Stevia. Just put SMALL amounts.
5) Steamed Red Lentil from Trader Joes.
Love this stuff. Lightly steamed and premade. Eat it straight from the package. Or heat it up and add stuff like we do to the Red Quinoa.
6) The baby loves seaweed! Dulse is what it is called. Not the small flakes, but actual leaves.
Things we avoid:
- Soy and Tofu. Sure we get some, but it is not a staple. Too over processed and tons of negative stuff around it. Tempah is much preferred (a type of soy but fermented and much better).
- Wheat. We aren't 100% gluten free, but when given the option, we try and avoid it.
- Sugar. We look at boxes for the sugar content. 100% ignoring the fat on the label.
Bottom line is you should eat 100% until you are full. No skimping, no starvation. Just eat right and you can do it endlessly. (for more see Dr. Fuhrman's books or videos online)
Hope that helps
Frank & Carrie
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